Apple Vignettes

“Se ikke skævt til dette æble, spis det langsomt og med lukkede øjne, vær til stede. Vær dog til stede.”

Fra “Ingrid Marie” af Anna Birgitte Laumark

Maleri af Ulla Lundsgart

“Don’t look askance at this apple, eat it slowly and with your eyes closed, be present – please be present”

From “Ingrid Marie” by Anna Birgitte Laumark

Painting by Ulla Lundsgart

The Apple Vignettes are 8 small pieces of music each inspired by a different text from Anna Birgitte Laumarks “Malus Domestica – 12 Apple Vignettes”. A collection of poetic writings about old apple trees, their lushness and life, symbolism and history – a celebration of Nature’s abundance and the place in us that takes care of it.

The Music and the texts were performed together first time at Claudes Planteskole on Djursland, followed by a tasting of Claudes applecider made from his own appletrees.

“Duften af dig forsvinder i gemakkerne, og lagrer sig i den kølige marmor, indtil gøgen kukker igen.”

Fra “Dronning Louise” af Anna Birgitte Laumark

Maleri af Ulla Lundsgart

“The scent of you disappears in the chambers, and is stored in the cool marble until the cuckoo sings again”

From “Dronning Louise” by Anna Birgitte Laumark

Maleri by Ulla Lundsgart

“Når vestenvinden suser, løsnes de sarte æbler særdeles let, man må stå klar til at gribe dem og svøbe dem. De smager af barndom i lykkelige haver.”

Fra “Filippa” af Anna Birgitte Laumark

Maleri af Ulla Lundsgart

“When the Western wind blows, the delicate apples are loosened very easily, you must be ready to catch them and wrap them. They taste of childhood in happy gardens.

From “Filippa” by Anna Birgitte Laumark

Painting by Ulla Lundsgart